Nyapienya village, in Ghana, is expanding. A new residential quarter is being built for neighboring banana farm workers. The European Union finances the construction of 224 houses and a social center as part of its Banana Support Measures (MAB) program.
Donyatek was born in Bamako
Despite the constant efforts of the public authorities, one out of four Malians still does not have access to safe drinking water (Source: WHO, Unicef, 2015 data – © Observatoire des inégalités). Beyond the statistics, the mediocre quality of the
Kiosk at Kasunya
The Two thousand villagers of Kasunya, Dunyo Korpe and Gozah Korpe have now access to healthy safe drinking water. Fonds de Dotation de la Compagnie Fruitière and Fair Trade Premium have financially helped and encouraged them to create their Water
Aclaira® Licence in India
Aclaira has executed a license agreement with its partners Rotreat and Deknomet. This is a key step in its development that opens the Indian market! Founded in 1993, Rotreat is the leader in the design and improvement of reverse osmosis