Presentation of Aclaira

Why Aclaira? Who are we? What are our origins and values?

Treatment solutions for remote communities

Aclaira has developed solutions for remote communities based on the following observations:

  • Water is scarce and its quality is most of the time very mediocre
  • Changes in the raw water quality (rainy and dry seasons, floods,) make conventional treatment extremely difficult to operate or even ineffective when toxic chemicals contaminate water.
  • It is difficult to train or maintain a team – in each community – that can master conventional treatment over the long run and also manage all situations of degraded water quality.
  • For the contaminants present in the water, the right absolute barrier can be provided: membrane filtration for microbes and suspended solids, reverse osmosis or nano-filtration for dissolved contaminants.
  • The absolute barrier of the Membrane is a key feature that eases unit operation and improves quality of the water passing through the membrane. Efforts must therefore solely focus on periodical cleaning of the membranes through effective design, maintenance and operation. We can perform chemical cleanings safely, efficiently, manually and cost effectively in units designed on purpose.

Four families of units to cover needs for drinking water treatment

Aclaira has developed four families of units: aclaira® C membrane filtration units for treating surface water; aclaira® SP, aclaira® P, and aclaira® C+SP low pressure reverse osmosis units for treating water contaminated with chemicals (fluorides, arsenic, nitrates, excess of sodium chloride…).

These units have the following features in common :

  • Total modularity thanks to identical equipment and components regardless of capacity (eg. modules, pumps, valves, controllers, etc.). This design enables low cost manufacturing. Moreover, it simplifies logistics and supply of spare parts.
  • The chemical cleaning of the membranes is based on very simple manual procedures. The cleaning can be performed at a frequency depending on the raw water quality. The design also reduces manufacturing costs, allows for varying water qualities, and empowers local teams: after training, they understand the purpose of their interventions. A productive dialogue is then established between maintenance technicians and “well operators” running the unit on a daily basis.
  • The Heart of aclaira® units is, of course, the membrane modules. They are selected from the most reputable suppliers for their quality, reliability and ruggedness.
Unités de traitement de l'eau aclaira

Water Treatment Solutions for Emergency Situation

In emergency situations (disasters, refugee crisis,…) aclaira® units can be installed in just a few hours to supply safe drinking water to populations.

How it Started

Aclaira offers various water purification products and solutions, from surface water clarification to borehole water purification. We also provide emergency solutions to make water potable.

créateur d’eau potable

genèse aclaira

Aclaira adventure began on June 6th, 2007 when Discalced Carmelite Brother Luc-Marie, Professor Courfia Diawara and Michel Farcy met for the first time in Dakar. All three attended “Water and Health” Symposium organized by UNESCO SIMEV chair.

Borehole water in Kaolack region contained too much fluoride

For Brother Luc-Marie, it was the right forum to cry for help: borehole water, containing too much fluoride in Kaolack region, caused fluorisis, crippling disease for the local community. He made the case for a “filtration” project. The challenge was significant with more than 800 boreholes affected. Senegal faced an almost impossible task, as people have a crucial need for water. It was not only a matter of financing but also of finding the right resources for installation, maintenance and monitoring.

Courfia Diawara from Cheikh Anta Diop University and Michel Farcy took up Brother Luc-Marie’s challenge. It was the starting point of a 5 year development – between 2007 and 2012 – aiming to adapt the right membrane solution to local conditions. This included lab scale nanofiltration experiments, pilot design and manufacturing, extensive on-site testing that resulted in installation of two permanent membrane units at Ndiafatte in April 2012.

Perfect drinking water for more than 12 years

The units have run for more than twelve years now. Water operators run them and a Senegalese technician team maintains them. The units supply perfect quality water to the 2000 inhabitants from 7 surrounding villages.

This project has catalyzed Aclaira’s vocation. It reminds us every day that membrane technologies associated with the right local structure can provide quality drinking water reliably.

Social Business

Rather than creating an association or a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Aclaira has been established as a commercial company with a “Social Business” mission. There are two reasons for this decision:

First, Aclaira activities and products complement numerous NGOs projects in the field. Aclaira deploys different competences that can leverage what NGOs’ can offer.

Second, business ensures efficiency and rapid execution. The social dimension enables supply of drinking water at an affordable price.
Finally, Social Business drives reciprocal respect: beneficiaries are peers with no room for unsustainable mere assistance.

équipe business social en Afrique
eau potable à partir des cours d'eau

Aclaira’s Partners

Aclaira makes its « social business » model happen with partners. Discover these “créateurs d’eau potable”.

Michel Farcy

Michel Farcy
Engineer with a master’s degree, aid worker, former Vice President at Pall, I feel the urgency and necessity to help as a “créateur d’eau potable.” I created Aclaira and have been its President since 2015.

Giacomo Gianffelicci

Giacomo Gianfelici
With a background in Architectural Design, I adopted Aclaira’s vision from the beginning and became a supporter in most stages of creating its units, from design to final installation. I had the honor of becoming a shareholder of Aclaira in July 2024.

François Lefebvre
Engineer with a master’s degree and an MBA, former CEO at Ponticelli, I offer my expertise in various areas, from writing the strategic plan to wiring electrical cabinets, even when temperature reaches or exceeds 40°C!

Francis Lamotte

Francis Lamotte
Engineer with a master’s degree, creator of digital solutions, I am President of Iotize, whose technologies enhance Aclaira’s solutions.

Mouhamadou Abdoulaye Diallo
I am a doctor in chemistry. I participated in the installation of 21 units and oversee their monitoring and maintenance.