Treatment solutions for remote communities
Aclaira has developed solutions for remote communities based on the following observations:
Four families of units to cover needs for drinking water treatment
Aclaira has developed four families of units: aclaira® C membrane filtration units for treating surface water; aclaira® SP, aclaira® P, and aclaira® C+SP low pressure reverse osmosis units for treating water contaminated with chemicals (fluorides, arsenic, nitrates, excess of sodium chloride…).
These units have the following features in common :

How it Started
Aclaira offers various water purification products and solutions, from surface water clarification to borehole water purification. We also provide emergency solutions to make water potable.

Social Business
Rather than creating an association or a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Aclaira has been established as a commercial company with a “Social Business” mission. There are two reasons for this decision:
First, Aclaira activities and products complement numerous NGOs projects in the field. Aclaira deploys different competences that can leverage what NGOs’ can offer.
Second, business ensures efficiency and rapid execution. The social dimension enables supply of drinking water at an affordable price.
Finally, Social Business drives reciprocal respect: beneficiaries are peers with no room for unsustainable mere assistance.

Aclaira’s Partners
Aclaira makes its « social business » model happen with partners. Discover these “créateurs d’eau potable”.
Michel Farcy
Engineer with a master’s degree, aid worker, former Vice President at Pall, I feel the urgency and necessity to help as a “créateur d’eau potable.” I created Aclaira and have been its President since 2015.
Giacomo Gianfelici
With a background in Architectural Design, I adopted Aclaira’s vision from the beginning and became a supporter in most stages of creating its units, from design to final installation. I had the honor of becoming a shareholder of Aclaira in July 2024.
François Lefebvre
Engineer with a master’s degree and an MBA, former CEO at Ponticelli, I offer my expertise in various areas, from writing the strategic plan to wiring electrical cabinets, even when temperature reaches or exceeds 40°C!
Francis Lamotte
Engineer with a master’s degree, creator of digital solutions, I am President of Iotize, whose technologies enhance Aclaira’s solutions.

Mouhamadou Abdoulaye Diallo
I am a doctor in chemistry. I participated in the installation of 21 units and oversee their monitoring and maintenance.